
Testimonial from Erin Silo

I started working with Shelley in 2012 when I was an event rider who wanted to make my dressage “better”. Since my very first lesson with her, to this present day, I am constantly blown away with her level of knowledge and understanding of both the horse and rider. Her ability to convey a feeling to the rider through words and real life examples, is like nothing I have experienced before. Paired with her dedication and commitment to the development of her students and their horses, this is what makes her such an incredible trainer. Under her direction and guidance, she has developed me from an event rider that didn’t know what a “volte” was, to a competitive Grand Prix rider. I cannot even begin to put into words how grateful I am for having her as a coach and mentor. This journey with her has truly been the experience of a lifetime for me.


Testimonial from AMY WELLBURN

I was involved with Shelley’s clinics on Vancouver Island for many years; the clarity and confidence I would gain in just a weekend clinic made it a very easy decision to accept a working student position with her. This was truly a life-changing experience; it was Shelley’s guidance that really solidified the skills I needed to take on the FEI ring with my very sensitive horse.
I feel lucky to continue working closely with Shelley. Her trained eye, methodical exercises, and thorough understanding of the horse’s biomechanics, has allowed me to accomplish many goals I never thought were possible. She has always been there to debrief after a show, discuss goals, problem solved, and celebrate the successes. Shelley exudes passion for the sport of dressage and I will always admire her dedication to furthering her own education, supporting her students, and prioritizing the well-being of her horses.


Testimonial from amy rogers

I have been training with and working for Shelley since November 2019, in less than two years Shelley has brought my knowledge of not only riding but horse care and management to a whole new level. I was immediately blown away by Shelley’s wealth of knowledge and how she is able to communicate that to each rider using different metaphors and techniques to make sure the rider fully understands. She comes to every lesson she teaches with a positive, encouraging attitude. Over the past 2 years I have had the incredible opportunity of showing and riding her Grand Prix school master, Lotus, from the FEI junior level through to successfully competing the small tour level. Shelley is very supportive in and out of the ring all show season and always keeps me focused and encouraged.


Testimonial from Linda Houweling

I thoroughly enjoy working daily with Shelley as she rides my mare Zaouira. She is very positive, committed and empathetic to our training. It's a wonderful team. 

Testimonial from else larsen

I am an adult amateur rider. Shelley Lawder has been my coach for several years now. Under her competent, creative, technically complex, and kind guidance, my riding has improved so much. Not only is Shelley herself a wonderful rider, she is able to teach and impart confidence in both horse and rider patiently teaching through difficult moments with compassion. Quinlan thrives by exploring different exercises for him to find his balance in the various positions and movements needed in our dressage training, and Shelley has a wealth of experience. Lastly, Shelley always remembers to reward, and have fun when Quinlan and I get it right!

Testimonial from AndrÉE Stow

When I found myself without a coach during 2020, I approached Shelley to see if she was willing to take me on. We met, talked about what I felt I needed and I was blown away with how she covered every need - a tall order that I didn’t think would be covered by one coach but Shelley came with two amazing side kicks , Erin and Amy! Between the 3 of them, we have my young horses in their training, my sensitive horse that I had not yet ridden at that time was taken under their wings and my older, trusty steed and I were enrolled into the “Shelley Lawder horse academy” - I love that I get reading homework, to support and fill out my missing pieces of education.

I often joke with Shelley that her arena has magic dust as what she creates in my horse and me during a lesson has me pinching myself to affirm it is for real, “did we really just do that?” is a frequent sentiment. She has a rare gift of bringing out the best in her clients - through seeing what needs to be done and encouraging the client to believe they can do it. I am an older amateur rider doing this sport for fun, and with Shelley it is more than fun, it is physical, mental, and hugely empowering. Shelley is passionate and it is contagious! I feel incredibly lucky to be part of her team.

Testimonial from RACHEL MACDONALD

I have ridden with Shelley for the past four years and can confidently say she has a true art for what she does. Shelley is a thoughtful instructor who always comes to my lessons prepared with exercises that build on what we worked on the last time. With her ample experience and time spent training with some of the world's best, she constantly provides training solutions in a way that is kind and fair to the horse. She amazes me with her dedication to her students and the sport of dressage. In addition, Shelley’s team is enjoyable and supportive and adds light to the journey of training. Beyond the riding skills that Shelley has instilled within me, she has given me confidence and abilities that I will take with me through anything I do.


Testimonial from BONNIE KOZAKOW

Shelley has been a critical component in my journey of bringing along two young horses. Shelley’s patience with my riding, as well as her dedication to empowering me with confidence, has allowed me to securely step out of my comfort zone and develop confident, well-rounded young horses. Shelley is full of great ideas and resources that she passes along to her students, no matter their goals. Shelley nourishes the relationship between horse and rider and promotes good horse-man skills in her training and all aspects of working with horses.

Testimonial Antonia Henderson

It has been an inspiration to work with Shelley and her team over these past two years. With her assistants Erin Silo and Amy Wellburn, the development of my horse and my growth as a rider has flourished. Shelley asks for the best from her students, and then provides the support to ensure their success. Having me write out and define my goals, practice at “mock shows” at different venues, and going over my videoed ride along with test results are examples of how she has helped me become a more thoughtful and skilled amateur rider. Her way of explaining complex ideas is enlightening. When Shelley told me that our goal was to take my horse from Parmesan cheese, through to a holy Swiss cheese, and finally to a gooey Burrata, I believe it was the first time I really understood “throughness”.

The work is demanding, but the sheer exuberance, sense of fun, and endless positivity that exudes from Shelley, Erin, and Amy is gobsmacking. They are there for you not only for the successes, but also when things don’t go according to plan. (And let’s face it, with horses, things seldom go according to plan). I feel unbelievably fortunate to be working with this group. I only wish I had found them when I was 20!

Testimonial natalie hewson

I started riding with Shelley in the spring of 2020 as I was looking for a change of pace after the sudden passing of my high performance hunter partner. Not only did I have the pleasure of learning the ropes of dressage under Shelley’s guidance, I also had the honour of being paired with her lovely mare, Rubin Skye. Every training session is equal parts fun and empowering as Shelley is able to instil confidence and skill into her students, regardless of what level they are training at. Shelley’s holistic approach to her teaching is what makes her so invaluable; from the history of the sport, equine biomechanics, nutrition, and everything in-between, she makes sure that the pathway to success is at the forefront for both horse and rider. In addition, Shelley’s passion, love, and respect for her horses is unparalleled, and those characteristics filter into her program, ultimately creating one that truly celebrates these outstanding animals we get to dance with. I feel so fortunate to be a part of her wonderful team.

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Testimonial from Sharon & John Brink

I have been organizing Shelley’s Clinics in Victoria for many years and I cannot say enough about the wonderful group of ladies we have in the clinics, and also about how much we all love to work with Shelley!!! Shelley is always working on her own skills as a rider. She is training continually with the best in the world, one of them being our own Leslie Reid, and so I say to the ladies that we are all in training with the best in the world as well. Last year we travelled to Spain with Shelley and bought a wonderful Andalusian stallion. The trip to Spain was short but fun and we love the new addition to our ‘family’.  We could not have done it without Shelley’s expertise and help. On a personal note John and I are both happy to consider Shelley a real friend and look forward to a long and happy working relationship.

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Testimonial from Anne Bowen

Shelley has been giving monthly clinics at Blue Banner Farm in Tucson AZ for about 2.5 years. She is an incredible instructor who clearly takes this role seriously as her teaching evolves as the riders’ skills improve across time. Shelley’s teaching style is dynamic and active. She uses metaphors, structured activities to how teach the horse and rider, along with a commitment to the basic principles of dressage. She has helped us understand our horse’s better so we can develop effective partnerships as riders, not passengers. Personally, as a rider with a super talented rugby player for a horse, she has (and continues) to show us how to work together to the reach the place where it all flows effortlessly! The enthusiasm she brings to her lessons never wanes across the day, weekend, or rider level, leaving us all begging for more. It’s not uncommon, before one clinic is over, for riders to ask me when she is coming back!

Testimonial from Justine annandale - professional hunter/jumper trainer

I have been training my jumping horses with Shelley for over 5 years now, and the benefits of the cross functional training are fantastically apparent. With her watchful eye and knowledge that she brings to my riding, I am able to sort through complicated issues with systematic and highly effective exercises, that not only correct foundation level issues, but bring confidence and positivity out of the horses, making them much more rideable and eager to train. My position and feel have improved immensely with her wonderful imagery and creative insight to everyday riding problems. I have several times run into a roadblock with a client horse and called upon Shelley's expertise to help navigate though an alignment or positional issue. She is brilliant at diagnosing a problem and navigating both horse and rider through to the other side with confidence and empowerment. I am completely sold on Shelley's training program as I have reaped the benefits on numerous horses over the years, and consider myself a much more competent rider and trainer because of my work with her.